Hi! I'm Dustin.

Welcome to my website! I update it... occasionally (16 updates in 2024). I like to build things, teams, and products and occasionally blog about those topics. I live in San Francisco, CA with my lovely wife and son.

14 Posts

  1. 2023: Year in Review12/31/2023
    • life
    • career

    2023 was a whirlwind year for me and my family. I'll wrap up what I accomplished, what I learned, and what I hope to do in 2024.

  2. Uses12/28/2023
    • software
    • hardware
    • recommendations

    In this post, I'll share my preferred stack as it relates to development. Software, hardware, and everything in between.

  3. README12/15/2023
    • personal
    • leadership

    A little about me. My leadership style, my likes, my dislikes, my quirks.

  4. Syntax.fm x Why Netlify bought Gatsby6/23/2023
    • podcast
    • gatsby
    • netlify

    I hopped on Syntax.fm with Wes Bos and Scott Stolinski to talk about Gatsby, Valhalla (Netlify Connect), CMSs and the headless web, and the overall strategy of Netlify acquiring Gatsby.

  5. Product Club: Let's make the Web Weird Again11/16/2020
    • podcast
    • gatsby
    • modern-web

    I hopped on Product Club with Jeff Morris Jr to talk about Gatsby and how it'd be great if the web was weird again.

  6. A Day in the Life of a Core Maintainer6/17/2019
    • open-source
    • maintenance

    An older post on the official Gatsby blog about the life of an open-source maintainer. I talk about some tips and techniques for making it more productive.

  7. Search Engine Optimization with Gatsby1/4/2019
    • gatsby
    • javascript
    • react
    • seo

    SEO and Gatsby: A Perfect Pairing. Learn how Gatsby implements SEO utilizing React Helmet and smart defaults and how you can use these tools to implement your own!

  8. My Next Chapter: Gatsby9/4/2018
    • career
    • gatsby
    • gatsby inc
    • object partners

    I am happy to announce that I've accepted a role as Software Engineer for Gatsby Inc, a startup working on making a more performant web through smart defaults and optimizations.

  9. CSS in JS with styled-components and React (Manning)8/15/2018
    • css in js
    • styled-components
    • react

    I'm incredibly excited to announce that I've been working on a Manning liveVideo course for the last several months with the intent to share all that makes CSS in JS great with the library styled-components

  10. GraphQL: Most of the Parts6/10/2018
    • graphql
    • react
    • node

    In this post, I'll do a deep dive on most of the parts of GraphQL. I'll start with the foundational concepts and then from this foundational basis I'll construct the value of GraphQL and illustrate how it could be a hugely transformative technology for server and client communication.

  11. CSS In JS: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Tooling10/28/2017
    • css
    • css in js
    • react
    • component styling
    • styled-components
    • glamorous

  12. Getting Started with Gatsby7/17/2017
    • gatsby
    • react
    • javascript

    Gatsby is an incredible static site generator that lets you build a static site that still has all the benefits expected from a modern web application. In this tutorial, we'll create a static blog, and get an in-depth look at Gatsby and its feature-set.

  13. Hello World7/13/2017
    • intro
    • about

    Who I am, what I do, and why you should care! This post goes into some detail about my general philosophy around blogging, what I hope to accomplish with this blog, and various other details…

  14. About7/10/2017
    • tech stack
    • colophon
    • about

    Welcome to the second version of my blog, powered by Gatsby, an incredible site generator. Learn more about the tech stack and things I built to power this blog.