7/13/2017 Last edited: 10/4/2024

Hello World

Headshot portrait of Dustin Schau

Dustin Schau

Product & Engineering Leader

A prefiw for a blog post

Hello! My name is Dustin Schau, and I’m a web developer working in Omaha, Nebraska.

I’ve long wanted to get into blogging, but never found a CMS or system that I quite liked enough, nor that felt natural enough to continually use, so hopefully I’ve stumbled upon a system that I like and that will last.

I hope to post a variety articles on a variety of topics and not pigeon-hole myself into just technical articles. That said, the vast majority of stuff I’ll post will be technical programming articles, so if that’s not your thing, this blog may not be for you.

About me

I’m a 20s something developer living in Omaha, Nebraska. I graduated from Creighton University (also in Omaha) with a degree in Computer Science that I’ve translated into my current career as a front-end developer. My current employer is Object Partners, Inc.—an incredible IT consulting company headquartered in Minneapolis with smaller offices in Omaha, Milwaukee, and Chicago. I previously worked at Union Pacific, where I worked on a team who development encapsulated components with AngularJS and Foundation.

Technical interests

I tend to skew quite heavily towards the front-end spectrum of development, and so I enjoy discussing/writing about JavaScript with a particular emphasis on frameworks and new technologies for development. You can regularly find me messing around with some new framework, implementing some new technology, or in general just tinkering and learning.

Non-technical interests

In my spare time, I enjoy golfing—although I am decidedly not that great with something like a 20+ handicap, going to movies, traveling and exploring the world, and mentoring, among many, many other interests!

Now that we have that out of the way, I hope you enjoy your time here! Please always feel free to drop me a line at dustinschau [at] gmail [dot] com, or check out my website for more contact information and detail.